9) Final Version
8)'The Issue'
We wanted to create a special cult issue in order to create a theme for our magazine, we found an appropriate text- We found a pagan logo and added it in to create bullet points. Using a distorted white colour it was able to stand out amongst the black background
The addition of further text and blending of the main image helped us to see where we need to add puffs and text. We created a red and more unique to make it stand out further as it is what you see first on the shelf.
Structure and shape is vital to a magazine cover, we created a rough structure in Adobe Indesign in order to imagine how it would look in photo shop. We later created this similar structure into our main photoshop image.
5) Adding text and structure
We created that magazine cover tagline of 'Enter the Concrete Garden', we used the same font as the one on the poster and in the trailer to have a continous theme running through out our different texts. We applied a number of different effects to the text such a diffusing the colour and embossing the text. This made the text jump out at you more and gave it a third dimension. We used a range of different fonts for our puffs to give our magazine more diversity and individuality.
4) Adding puffs
We took three different photos on a SLR in raw to show different topics and items that would appear in our film. We briefly editing the brightness and contrast in order to make it suit the magazine cover. We also took an image of our actress out of the film scenerio to show her simply in an actress form. We made sure to have a range of items to show diversity in our magazine.
3) Creating background and foreground image
We used the magnetic lasso tool to take out the image of Lily to place her on her own in Photoshop, we used the shadow tool to allow her to blend into the background so it would look faultless. After this we change the filter to red/warm to give a boost of colour and excitement to our character, also we changed the contrast and brightness to this image after the filter.
2) The title
We chose 'Reel Talk' as our magazine name, as it as play on the american saying 'real talk' meaning truthful speaking and 'reel' as in the reel from a film. We went through a long process in choosing a font going through various sites for font download. We actually went down quite a graphic route and chose 'Cinerama' Font, this is contactually relates to a font used in old 70's cinema's a we recreated this for the face of our magazine. Combining the R and T made us create a small ident for our magazine.
This is the original poster photograph, we did a huge range of photos until we found the perfect one. This was taken with a created background in mind, we new ahead of this that we would use the magnetic lasoo tool. This image shows the main character running towards the camera as is in action. There is slight blur on the hand to show this movement.