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Sunday 6 February 2011

Film Inspiration

In our film our main character, Thomos will be the centre of the story and film we would hope to create a feeling our sharing character emotion thoughout. One key inspiration is 'Donnie Darko' the character of Donnie, is constantly built up upon and you learn about why he is in the certian emotional state he is in. We would hope to do a similar job, as the viewer would learn how to empathise and sypathise with the German teenager. 'Hallam Foe' also uses the same methods to character build through out the film, the innocence of both characters relate very well. The use of soundtrack in 'hallam foe' is also similar to what we would want to create an arthouse vibe to our raw thriller. Gus van Sant's 'Paranoid Park' use a certain unique style to film and editing that we would hope to use; slow still shots, wide angle shots and extreme close ups to really get a good understanding of how natural environments are. 'Bullet boy' manages to capture what London physically resembles ( long shots of estates, housing area and parks) we would hope to capture London in its true light as our character explores his new environment. BJH

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