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Wednesday 12 January 2011


Our opening will gave logo titles of FilmFour, Pathe and StudioCanal presented in standard and clean way. We will have our cast titles fading in and out of each other in either the bottom right or left corner of the screen in white colouring. Fonts of choice Copper gothic black Century Eras bold itc Footlight Haettenschweller Perpetua Raavi Verdana These links will also show fonts that have been drafted to show what are film name would look like if we were to choose any in our opening sequence:

Our chosen font was found on name confusion girl, this is modern and contemporary font that hasn't been really seen in film before. We feel this font was appropriate for our European feel and audience, and that when used would look very unique and would intrigue the viewer for the opening shots.


1 comment:

  1. You need to download and show examples of these fonts so you can discuss the effect they might have and how you came to decide on the final one.
